Mission of ConnectUs
ConnectUs Church reaches out to invite all people to connect with a gospel community and challenges you to take God's next step for your life.
Our Vision
ConnectUs Church provides an exciting and thriving experience when the church gathers together and partners with God in the community. We value church planting and will be multiplying disciples and churches across Central PA and beyond.
Our Values
Focused on Jesus. 1 Corinthians 10:31
Everything we do is to the glory of God, at church and outside church.
As we focus on Jesus, we value these things He modeled…
Developing Authentic Relationships. Romans 12:9-21
We engage in small groups of people to build quality relationships where they are able to share their stories, pray, and encourage one another.
Having Fun. Philippians 4:4
We have fun because fun authenticates forgiveness - the key component of lasting relationships.
Biblical Teaching. 2 Timothy 3:16
We believe that there is no other book more helpful
and relevant for today than the Bible.
Being Generous. Acts 20:35
We plan to put others before ourselves and give our
time, talents, and money for others.
Multiplying Disciples. Matthew 28:18-20
We are excited to share the gospel and guide new believers; so, we can all grow as Christians and support multiplying churches.