The Message Of Easter: The Snake Crusher
What if you had hope that everything wrong in this life would be made right? What could do it? New science, new technology, new religion, new political leader, or something else? For all of history people have been hoping and believing that this new thing would come and fix our world. We have all experienced the effects of “the snake bite,” but do you live with the power of the “snake crusher,” Jesus?
Celebrate Jesus with us!
Easter Sunday, March, 31 2024 | 9:00am & 10:30am | Reel Cinemas & Online
Get a free gift AND have a new best friend waiting for you at the front door WHEN YOU PLAN YOUR VISIT BELOW 👇
Ministry to your children
Each age group will have an Egg Hunt in their movie theater!
Kids can also expect, games, snacks, crafts, and an age appropriate Bible lesson