ConnectUs Church Blog
The feast of booths was a great celebration. Jesus used this celebration to announce to the people that the promised one was here!
Here is a list of the things of God Joshua experienced that were passed down from Moses: [a whole lot!]
Here is a list of the things of God the next generation experienced that were passed down from Joshua:
A prayer for you - What fears do you have this morning? Worried about paying rent? Afraid for a family member? A son or daughter who has strayed from the faith? Scared about the condition of the world?
Knowing how we got the Bible and what it is greatly strengthens our faith and the ability to trust what we have today is the Word of God.
The true God wants your worship. The true God wants your trust and praise. So why do we spend so much effort and time appeasing other gods?
Before we reach our city with the gospel, the gospel must first reach us.
Christians are called to forgive all the time. There is an important difference between forgiveness and reconcilation.
Share with us your observations, interpretations, and applications
Share with us your observations, interpretations, and applications